Dr. Cort Schneider
The Director of Disability Services serves as an effective leader and visionary for a campus culture that recognizes and celebrates the disability experience, and strives for inclusion and accessibility in all aspects of the Richmond community. The DDS actively fosters and forms collaborative relationships with other offices on campus to foster an inclusive and welcoming campus experience that support students with disabilities in having equal access to the benefits of a University of Richmond education. The DDS also serves a vital role in the interpretation and application of all federal and state laws and regulations related to disability services for students, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as well as any University policies. This position directs and supervises services and accommodations for all enrolled and prospective Disabled students, as well as the supervision of all Accessibility Specialists in the office.Expand All
Identity Development and the Disability Blues. How Disability Services Professionals Can Empower Students with disabilities - North Carolina AHEAD Conference October 17, 2018.
What Can the Identity Develop of People with Disabilities Teach Us About the Importance of
Diversity at Community College - Presented at Diversity Uncovered on Two Year Campuses, March 31, 2017.
Disability History: The Uncrossed Border - Presented at The National Council On History Education Conference, April 22, 2016.
Empowering Sexuality For People With Disabilities - Presented at The Wright State Valuing Diversity Conference, December 11, 2015.
Identity and the Disability Blues, What We Can Do To Help People With Disabilities Develop a Positive Self-image - Presented at The Ohio State University School of Agriculture, April 24, 2015.
Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD)
Professional Experience
Director --- DUKE UNIVERSITY, Student Disability Access Office, Durham, North Carolina (2020-2022)
Directs the day-to-day operations of the Student Disability Access Office. Ensure students have reasonable accommodations. Supervises six staff members. The office serves approximately 1,400 students.Director --- QUEENS UNIVERSITY OF CHARLOTTE, Student Accessibility Services, Charlotte, North Carolina (2017-2020)
Directed the day-to-day operations of the Student Accessibility Services Center. Coordinated academic
accommodations for students with disabilities. Ensured Queens was compliant with laws that relate to people with disabilities.Director -- CLARK STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Access and Student Retention, Springfield, Ohio (2014-2017)
Directed the day-to-day operations of the Student Academic Support Center. Manages a 600,000-dollar budget. Supervised 4 staff members, 2 AmeriCorps volunteers, 20 tutors, and 10 student workers. Directed the implementation of a supplemental instruction program. Also directed the day-to-day operations of the Office of Accessibility.
BooksSchneider, C. (2013). Running for Normalcy, Identity Development and the Disability Blues: An Autoethnography that Explores One Man’s Quest to Come to Terms with His Disability. Germany: Scholars' Press.Schneider C. (2019). The Trail of Miles: A Disabled Runner’s Memoir. Texas: Black Rose WritingJournal ArticlesFamily Disability and Identity. Considering Disability (October 2016) https://cdjournal.scholasticahq.com/issue/229The Able-Bodied Hegemony: The Social Construction of Disability - The Intuitive Anthology The Electronic Publication About Leadership Culture & Schooling (April, 2005). http://www.units.muohio.edu/EAP/edl/programs/anth_Ini/chi/COM05002.html
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