Testing Center
The Office of Disability Services Testing Center is a resource available to University of Richmond undergraduate, SPCS, & MBA students who have been approved for testing accommodations effective for the current academic year. School of Law students should contact their Director of Student Affairs for testing accommodation implementation guidance.
The Testing Center’s main room contains 15 individual desks and provides a reduced-distraction testing environment.
The Testing Center also has 2 private rooms.
When needed, we convert the two office’s in our suite to reduced distraction rooms with 2 desks in each.
We can accommodation up to 21 test takers at a time.
Testing Center’s Standard Scheduling Guidelines
Quizzes, Tests, Midterms, etc.:
- Start times are either the same as that of the class or as close as possible to it.
- The earliest possible start time is 8:50 a.m.
- The latest possible end time is 4:50 p.m.
- 20 minute buffers are provided between the end time of a prior class and the Testing Center start time.
- 20 minute buffers are provided between the Testing Center end time (with the assumption that the student will utilize all of their additional time) and the start time of the student’s next class.
Final Exams:
- Morning: 8:30 a.m. - Variable end time
- Afternoon: 1 p.m. - Variable end time
- Evening: Variable start time - 9 p.m.
Working with Professors
The professor and the student should discuss the required testing accommodation(s) and determine if the student will use the Office of Disability Services’ Testing Center or if the professor will be able to provide the required accommodation(s) in another setting (such as the classroom, a conference room, or in an office). Because students are encouraged to disclose their need for accommodations at the beginning of the semester, this topic should be covered so that details can be worked out in advance. For instances when the Testing Center will be utilized, students should plan on taking their test at the same time as their peers. Testing outside of this time frame requires permission from the professor.
In order to facilitate the entire test taking process, students are strongly encouraged to schedule their appointments at the beginning of the semester by referencing their syllabus to determine all upcoming test/quiz dates. If this is not possible, students should schedule a minimum of 4 business days before their test date. This allows for verification time, as well as time to secure a copy of the exam and administration instructions prior to the scheduled appointment.
Booking Process
- For Students: To utilize the Testing Center, students must complete a Student Testing Center Booking Form for each test. This should be completed a minimum of 4 days prior to the appointment, though students are encouraged to schedule all appointments at the beginning of the semester by referencing their syllabus.
- For Professors: To facilitate student use of the Testing Center, Instructors must complete an Professor Testing Center Booking Form (Look new to you? Check out these user guides!) for each student and each test. All tests must be submitted (via the Professor Testing Center Booking Form) and returned (from the testingcenter@richmond.edu email address) electronically.
Test Taking Procedure
Check In:
- Students should arrive The Refectory 127 at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled test time to check in with the Proctor.
- Students will place all personal items with the exception of approved testing materials in lockable cubbies.
- Prior to being escorted to the testing room, students will be given all exam directions and specifications so that their arrival to the testing room is as quiet as possible.
Test Taking:
- Proctor will escort students to the Testing Center.
- Proctor will provide the student with a hard copy of their test by walking ahead of the student and placing the test on the assigned desk, stepping away to provide space, and then allowing the student to seat themselves.
- When students have completed the test they will push the alert button located on their desk and wait for the Proctor to arrive.
- If students have a question during their test, they may use the provided blank paper to write down their question, alert the Proctor with the alert button affixed to the assigned desk, and wait for the Proctor to collect their question in order to reach out to the instructor. The Proctor will report back if/when they have a response, which they will provide on paper. In the meantime, the student should skip the section/question on the test for which they have a question and continue.
Check Out:
- When the student is done taking the test, they will push the alert button and wait for the Proctor.
- The Proctor will come to obtain the test and escort the student back to the lobby.
- The students will obtain their belongings from the lockable cubbies and depart.
Test Return:
- Proctor will scan the completed test, email it to the professor, upload it into a secure Box folder, and shred.
Proctors monitor students while they take their tests via closed circuit video cameras. If Proctors observe any behavior that violates Testing Center procedures or the Honor Code, they will follow up accordingly.